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Attire of Qashqai Nomadic Women 6

Undergarment or Skirt (Zirjameh) (IQSWS:Tonban) The zirjameh, which some call a “shaliteh” or pleated skirt, was historically a short, wide skirt worn by women over trousers. However,…


Attire of Qashqai Nomadic Women 5

Women’s Arkhalig The Arkhalig is worn as a warm garment, but because it is a beautiful and protective covering that adds dignity and elegance to the attire,…


Attire of Qashqai Nomadic Women 4

Women’s Dress A dress, as a garment, should be in harmony with the type of work and activity, profession and occupation, nomadic lifestyle, age of individuals, and…


Qashqai Customs: Marriage

Qashqai Tribal Customs: Marriage Celebration of marriage among the Qashqai people, according to their traditional customs, are held in the open space and derive from the Iranian-Islamic…