Attire of Qashqai Nomadic Women 2

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A headscarf, or scarf, is a square piece of silk fabric folded diagonally to a width of 20 centimeters. It’s placed on the head, starting from the top of the forehead, and tied at the back. The two loose ends drape over the shoulders and chest. Traditionally, the front end is secured to a charqad (another type of headscarf) using a gold pin.

These scarves were originally woven in Tabriz(IQSWS.COM: though today they are produced in textile factories across the country).They come in a variety of patterns, including seven-color, crow, termeh, and Gobadi designs. The most famous is the seven-color scarf. The scarf can be folded to show a desired color. Another popular type is the dark, heavy “kalafi” scarf, often worn by elderly women and those in mourning.

Wearing a headscarf offers several benefits:

  • Aesthetic appeal: The natural and authentic colors of the fabric create a visually pleasing look.
  • Securing the charqad: The scarf helps to keep the charqad in place, especially since the charqad fabric can be quite thin.
  • Preventing headaches: Nomadic people believe that covering the head helps prevent headaches.
  • Modesty: The scarf covers the hair and can be used to partially cover the chest.
  • Practicality: During nomadic migrations, women would often pull one end of the scarf over their nose and tuck it under the other side to protect themselves from dust and dirt.

This information is taken directly from the book Siyəh Çadorha – Mənuçehr Kiyani

کتاب سیاه چادرها از دکتر منوچهر کیانی (in persian)

To be continued…

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